• Welcome to the Bravo Fleet Academy! All modules here are open to all members of Bravo Fleet, but it's recommended that you start with the New Member Program.

    If this is your first time here, you will need to create an account, which is separate from your BFMS account. During the registration process, you will be prompted to link your BFMS and Moodle accounts by providing your BFMS ID. You will also then be able to enrol in each of the modules separately.

Available courses

The function of Bravo Fleet Academy is to help you learn to do the various activities our club offers, and the function of the New Member Program specifically is to introduce you to our activity-based awards and promotion system, provide brief tutorials on writing, gaming, and competitions, and help you understand our structure and system of governance. While we strive to be as user-friendly as possible, this is a large club with a lot of moving parts, so we hope that this quick introduction will help you get started.

What You'll Learn

During this program, you will:

  1. Understand Bravo Fleet's core activities—solo and group fiction writing, video gaming, and competitions;
  2. Learn where to find information about Bravo Fleet's structure and understand how you might interact with members in staff roles during your time here; and
  3. Explore the possibilities for your progression in the organization by considering several different career paths you might take.

How You'll Finish

To finish the program, you must:

  1. View every link or page with a check-box next to it;
  2. Earn passing grades on each of the three short, open-note quizzes; and,
  3. Create an activity report on your BFMS dossier with a link to the badge Moodle will send to you via email.

Once you have done this, your Task Force Staff will nominate you for the New Member Program Badge, which is one of the requirements for promotion from Cadet Senior Grade to Midshipman. Throughout the course of this program, you will learn the other things you can do to move through the cadet ranks, and by the end of this content you should have a good idea of everything it will take to get all the way through the senior officer ranks as well!

The Character Creation Program is designed to help members hone their character creation skills, to write biographies that are suitable both for publication on the BFMS and to serve as the basis for applications to join games within the fleet. Completion of this module should result in a biography that will meet the 'well-developed biography' promotion qualification requirement for the Office of the Chief of Staff.

  • Cadets will develop a familiarity with using canon resources and understanding how Bravo Fleet canon relates to what we see on screen in Star Trek.
  • Cadets will become comfortable using the character creation function on the BFMS.
  • Cadets will understand the relationship between different types of character documents: character sheets, character biographies, and game applications.
  • Cadets will create a well-developed biography for one of their characters.

This program is designed to accomplish three things:

  • Get you familiar and comfortable with writing on the BFMS.
  • Get you acquainted with the general style of writing in Bravo Fleet, as well as how to bring our lore and canon into your stories.
  • Acquaint you with the Bravo Fleet Fiction Rubric, which details what "good writing" looks like in Bravo Fleet.

The Command Management Program is a tutorial on how to select, set-up, and maintain a Command in Bravo Fleet. In particular, it focuses on using the BFMS's Command system as well as the Bravo Fleet Wiki. By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  1. Request and set-up a BFMS command.
  2. Create and maintain a command's wiki article.
  3. Create and maintain a command's manifest.
  4. Understand the fleet policies related to commands.

To complete this program, you will:

  1. Pass a quiz about the command policy with at least 8/10.
  2. Reflect on your choice of commands.
  3. Submit a completed command page.
  4. Submit a completed command wiki article.
  5. Submit a character manifest with at least 6 characters, 2 of which must be fully fleshed-out.

The Plot Development Program is a tutorial on planning a mission from start to finish and then enacting that plan. While not all of us regularly write out outlines before starting to write and prefer to let the characters go where they want, this program is meant to focus on structure. It is intentionally meant to challenge you as a writer and to get you out of your comfort zone. By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Identify common narrative structures.
  • Develop a plot for a mission.
  • Execute their planned plot.

During this program, participants will be asked to follow a relatively structured plot mapping process. We recognize that not everyone wants to plan out every single mission they write, but for the purposes of this program, you're being asked to trust in the process. If you've never done something like this before, it will be an opportunity to see whether or not it works for you.

The purpose of this program is to prepare you to create competitions and to judge the entries submitted.  Your goal is to design the competitions that other members will compete in to win both awards and bragging rights.  

To create competitions, you’ll need to understand where to find information about how competitions work, explore the possibilities of all competition types, receive feedback on writing your own competition description and criteria, and then create and judge a competition for yourself.

To earn the Competition Leadership Program badge, you will need to:

  • Pass an open-note quiz with at least 7/9
  • Write the description and criteria for multiple competition types
  • Submit, judge and award your own competition in BFMS